Open Bionic’s prosthetic Hero Arm is now available in the UK | The Next Web – RP

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Open Bionic’s prosthetic Hero Arm is now available in the UK | The Next Web – RP

Open Bionics is a UK-based company, devoted to creating affordable, robotic prosthetics. Today they’re launching the “Hero Arm” – a 3D-printed, medically approved bionic arm that was designed to “turn disabilities into superpowers.”

It is a lightweight, robotic prosthetic device with a customizable look, and it was built specifically for people (aged eight and older) lacking a limb below the elbows.

From “How did you get that arm” to “Where did you get that arm”

The Hero Arm was announced approximately a month ago. Today, you can apply for a robotic limb of your own through the company’s website.

Each bionic arm is personally made to fit its particular owner. It boasts specs of being lightweight, yet strong (able to lift up to eight kilos), having long-lasting battery life, and excellent fine motor skills, as you can see in this video of a girl using her Hero Arm to pick up tiny marbles.

La suite : Open Bionic’s prosthetic Hero Arm is now available in the UK

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