Futurism.com : The Next Era of Tesla: Meet The Model F Autonomous Flying Car

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Futurism.com : The Next Era of Tesla: Meet The Model F Autonomous Flying Car

Tesla vient d’annoncer la production de sa toute premier voiture volante, le modèle F, qui poutrait être prête pour la commercialisation en 2019.
Hier, Elon Musk a parlé aux auditeurs avides de la Tesla Model 3  au studio de conception de Tesla à Hawthorne, en Californie.

Tesla just announced the production of its very first flying car, the Model F, which will be ready to ship in 2019. Here’s what we know.Yesterday, Elon Musk spoke to eager listeners at the Tesla Model 3 Event at the company’s design studio in Hawthorne, California. However, it wasn’t the highly anticipated, 10 years in the making Model 3 that stole the show.

Source : The Next Era of Tesla: Meet The Model F Autonomous Flying Car

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