NEWS.DISCOVERY.COM : Des oreilles biomécaniques peuvent aider à la guérison du nerf auditif – RP

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NEWS.DISCOVERY.COM : Des oreilles biomécaniques peuvent aider à la guérison du nerf auditif – RP

Electrical pulses delivered from a cochlear implant to the inner ear can be used to regrow auditory nerves to both enhance hearing and deliver gene therapy that could treat everything from Parkinson’s disease to depression, according to new research published today in Science Translational Medicine.

“Our work has implications far beyond hearing disorders,” said study co-author Matthias Klugmann from the University of New South Wales Translational Neuroscience Facility research team. “Gene therapy has been suggested as a treatment concept even for devastating neurological conditions and our technology provides a novel platform for safe and efficient gene transfer into tissues as delicate as the brain.”

La suite sur Bionic Ears Can Help Regrow Auditory Nerves

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