KURZWEILAI.NET : Les processeurs du futur travailleront à l’échelle de l’atome – RP

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KURZWEILAI.NET : Les processeurs du futur travailleront à l’échelle de l’atome – RP

In an effort to shrink down electronic devices to atomic dimensions, researchers from Cornell University and Brookhaven National Laboratory have shown how to switch exotic transition metal oxide material from a metal to an insulator by making the material less than a nanometer thick.

Transition metal oxides seem to have it all: superconductivity, magnetoresistance, and other exotic properties. These possibilities have scientists excited to understand everything about these materials, and to find new ways to control their properties at the most fundamental levels.

The team of researchers, which published its findings online April 6 in Nature Nanotechnology (to appear in the journal’s May issue), chose a particular transition metal oxide, a lanthanum nickelate (LaNiO3).

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